Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Hashtag Backlash

With #CameronMustGo trending for four solid days it's astonishing that the BBC has failed to pick this up in any capacity and surely displays a desire to hide it's organisational head in the sand until the dust settles.

Make no mistake, the tendrils of government influence and the Murdoch empire are as long as they are crooked and only a fool would suggest no influence is exerted by either inside the impartial walls of the BBC. There is a concerted effort to keep this story online with the lefties and the young people; away from an elder generation, who perhaps don't use twitter but certainly watch the BBC and turn out on election day.

You could perhaps forgive the BBC for not having the hashtag story at the top of it's bill on the evening news or sitting pride of place on the BBC News website but the story is no where to be found; it is, as the term goes, a black out. For anyone still sceptical; consider the stories which have been deemed news worthy in it's place:

This BBC news story about an Ex-Tory MP having an argument with a taxi driver about his best route home. The story is front page on BBC News UK.

An interview with Hugh Bonneville on the Andrew Marr Show promoting the new Paddington Bear Movie.

I'm not going to go on listing slow news day stories which have been given recognition over what many people believe to be an important political narrative however...consider this; there is a branch of the BBC media beast devoted entirely to Twitter Trends which has conspicuously failed to make mention of the hashtag, instead preferring to muse on these dancing Chilean firefighters.

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